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12-16-08 Minutes

12212008_12703_0.png        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
DECEMBER 16, 2008 at 7:30 P.M.

I.      CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the December 16, 2008 regular meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  John O’Brien
George Whelen, Vice Chairman
Robert Finch
Lee Sparaco                             
David LaMay                                             
Glenis G. Caouette

Michael Pace, First Selectman
William Peace, Selectman
Robert Fish, Treasurer

COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC:  Five members of the public were present.
Ms. Castagno asked about changing town hall hours to save money on heat and electricity. Mr. Pace responded that this idea was examined and rejected due to the needs of the Town to serve its population and for general business purposes with the State of Connecticut. A question was asked about having the auditors in concerning recommendations. The auditors will come in when they finish their audit, likely in January, 2009. Regarding interest on monies in the budget of various boards and commissions, the Chair indicated that this was an issue that could be pursued by individual boards and commissions with their counsel. The chair further indicated that if the B of F members would like to have a further discussion on this, it could be requested. Mr. Pace indicated he thought it was non-issue as all this money serves the Town taxpayers. Regarding 1 Main and 19 Main, the Chair handed out a letter from Atty. Mike Cronin explaining the how said properties are being assessed, taxed and/or credited.

MINUTES:  Mr. Fortuna asked for a motion on the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 18, 2008.

Motion:  To approve the minutes November 18, 2008 as presented.

Moved:  Mr. Fortuna                                   Second:  Mr. LeMay

Discussion:  To amend the minutes to reflect the following changes: The date of the minutes from 11/21 to 11/18: To reflect attendant staff to be Mr. Pace, Peace and Fish: To note the meeting was a joint meeting with the B of E and that the members of the B of E were in attendance for this joint meeting including the B of E Chair, Mr. Gaboury, Mr. Thorpe, co chair of the Budget and Finance Committee; Co-Chair Sandra Harder Budget and Finance Committee; That Julie Pendleton, Michael Rafferty and Superintendent Onofrio were also present for the Administration

Amendment moved by C. Fortuna, seconded by Mr. LaMay and approved 5-0-1 (Mr. Whelen abstaining)

Minutes as amended Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay

Abstained:  Mr. Whelen   5-0-1

        Motion: To approve the minutes from the November 18, 2008 regular meeting.

        Moved: C. Fortuna.  Second: Robert Finch

Discussion: It was to be noted that Mr. Whelen was in attendance at the Regular

Minutes approved: 6-0

Motion: To approve the minutes from the regular meeting of December 2, 2008

Moved: C. Fortuna.  Second: George Whelen

Discussion: None

Minutes approved: 5-0-1


        SELECTMAN’S REPORT:  Selectman Pace reported on the following projects:
·       Torchlight parade a success
·       Mr. Pace commented on Principal Schoonmaker leaving his position for the Superintendent position in Branford.  Tara Winch is the interim principal and a temporary vice-principal has also been appointed
·       North Main Street Project: Bill Peace gave a history of the project and estimated that the Town saved well over 100k by doing it with public works rather than by looking for assistance from the state.
·       Mr. Pace recognized Mr. Caldarella to speak about 1 Main Street now that said building has been completed. Mr. Caldarella noted that the building was a true community project: that between grants, volunteerism and small donations we now have a building appraised at 980k that was completed for pennies on the dollar.
·       Mr. Pace said he had meetings with CCM and a member of the State of CT budget office. He is concerned about State revenues and thus state payments (projected deficits of 3 and 6 billion over the next 2 years). The Town may not have revenue numbers from the State until very late this year. State revenues are way down as are casino revenues. Look for big cities to get a majority of the state funds. Old Saybrook this year gets about 1.25 million from the state.
·       He is asking all departments to come in as close to a 0% increase as possible
·       He feels the Town may have tough decisions on capital requests, but overall feels the Town’s business model has held up well.


At 8:15, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss pending legal matters:  Mike Pace, Bill Peace and Treasurer Fish were invited to stay for Executive Session
Moved by Mr. Sparaco, seconded by Mr. Finch: Approved 6-0.

At 9:00 pm Mr. Sparaco moved the board out of E.S., seconded by Mr. Finch: Approved: 6-0. In Executive Session, no motions were made and no votes were taken.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:00 p.m.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                                       Second:  R. Finch

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; L. Sparaco; R. Finch; G. Caouette; D. LaMay; G. Whelen      6-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Carl Fortuna-Chair